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Q: Is there any person in the world older than 100 has never been sick?
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we do NOT know the answer to that question, simply because there has NEVER been peace in this world since time began! I want to correct the person who answered before me. There has never been peace, so we DO know the answer. Without peace, we have a world that is exactly the same as the one we have now.

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Lebanon has never been in a world cup before as they have never been able to qualify.

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never has there been a person with wings.

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No. It never has been and probably never will be.

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A person is Jewish if the person's mother is Jewish. No matter what the person has ever done or not done, where the person has ever been or not been, and no matter whether the person even knows or cares about it.

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Al Gore is the name of a person who has never been President of the United States. Gore did, however, serve as the nation's Vice President.