It could be, because they do look very much alike, but it is very unlikely that they are sisters. You probably would've seen her in season 8 in the family interviews if they were. But I'm almost 100% positive that they are not related.
Kelly Clarkson is the youngest of 3 children. Her older sister is named Alysssa. Her older brother is named Jason.
Yes he did he had one brother and another sibling but almost no one knows them or very little amount of records.
Dani Cimorelli is the youngest member in the band.
no Cindy price did not marry mike murdock Cindy Smith Price married Mike Murdock's youngest brother, David.
No, Justin Bieber doe not have two twin younger sisters, he has one younger sister named jazmyn who is 2 and he has a younger brother named jaxon who is almost one. Erin had jazmyn and jaxon whereas Pattie had justin. :)
well he is almost 17 so probly 15 at the youngest:( im only 13 that sucks
i started when i was 12 its really up 2 ur dance teacher but ur feet shud b almost done growing the youngest ive heard is 8 and 10 years old but u hav 2 remember the younger u start the more likely u will hav foot problems when ur older
Almost always
Brothers and Sisters - 2006 Almost Normal 4-3 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:6
It seems to me this dream represents your brother's wish for you mother to focus her love toward living, growing things. The puppy could represent just about anything small, vulnerable, and in need of loving care.
7 almost 8