

Best Answer
  • Pedophilia comes from the Greek for Child and Friendship. The technical term for the modern connotation of pedophilia is paedophilia erotica, or a sexual preference for children.
  • Ephebophilia is the psychological and sexual preference of late pubescents by younger people. Root is ephebos (one who has arrived at puberty) and philia (friendship).
  • Hebephilia is preference for earlier pubescents, teleiophilia, from telios (greek for "full grown")
  • Gerontophilia, from geron (greek for "old man") is preference for the elderly.
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Q: Is there an opposite term to pedophilia referring to an attraction to older people?
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This means that they work with people who have pedophilia, a sexual attraction to children.

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Allosexual is a term used within the asexual community to describe individuals who experience sexual attraction. It is the opposite of asexual, referring to people who do not experience sexual attraction.

Do pedophiles ever change their behavior?

Pedophiles are people with a sexual attraction to young children known as pedophilia. As pedophilia is a feeling of sexual attraction and not a behavior, there is no behavior for a pedophilic individual to change unless they are a sexual abuser as well. Experts call such sexual abusers preferential offenders, not pedophiles.

What do all pedophiles have in common?

They have pedophilia, as pedophiles are people with pedophilia. No joke.

What turns people into peodos?

There is no single factor that turns people into pedophiles. Pedophilia is considered a psychological disorder characterized by an attraction to prepubescent children. It is believed to arise from a combination of biological, environmental, and psychological factors. Therapeutic interventions and support systems can help manage and prevent harmful behaviors associated with pedophilia.

Do pedophiles often come from families that already have one in it?

Pedophiles are people with pedophilia, and there is no correlation between family genetic markers and the development of pedophilia. So no, pedophiles do not typically have children who also develop pedophilia.

Is there a mandatory sentence in NH for pedophiles?

As pedophilia is not a crime, and pedophiles are people with pedophilia, there is no mandatory sentence for pedophiles in any state of the United States.

Why is pedophilia considered an illness but not homophilia?

Pedophilia is a mental disorder that drive people to want sex with children. Homophilia is not even a word. Homophobia is a fear of Homosexuals.

Are pedophiles legit?

There are people alive who are pedophiles. Pedophilia is a crime, a pedophile is a criminal.

Which country has the most pedophiles?

It is not possible to accurately determine which country has the most pedophiles, as such individuals can be found in all countries. The prevalence of pedophilia is influenced by various factors and may not necessarily be higher in one country compared to another.

What is the opposite word for distance decay?

The opposite word for distance decay is distance attraction. Distance attraction refers to the concept that certain factors can draw people or things closer together as distance decreases, in contrast to distance decay which describes how interactions decrease as distance increases.

Are nice and mean adverbs?

No. Both can be adjectives referring to people, and they generally define the opposite types of person: friendly or unfriendly.