you can't specifically start your period, if you are late there are a number of reasons from stress, pregnancy to fluctuations in diet and hormones.
Talk to your doctor first, and if that isn't readily available count 28 consectutive days as i do roughly from when your last one ended to next month when your next one should start.
No, there is no way for you to make your period start faster. Your period starts exactly when it is supposed to, you can't make your cycle speed-up or skipn phases of your cycle in order to make your period start sooner.
If you missed more than three pills, you wait till your period is over and start a new pack. This way you get yourself back on track.
The only way I know of is by getting a calender and writing down when you start and end your period. When you start you can make a little dot on that day or write period start (depending on if you get embarrassed easily) and when it ends you can do the same. That way after a month or two you can check it and see if there is a pattern or not. I hope this helped you! =D Good luck!
there is actually no way you can start your period faster
You can't make your period go faster but you can help it by staying hydrated and staying healthy and being prepared
yes. the discharge is a way of cleaning out you vagina ready for the period cycle to start.
No. There is no way to make you start you period. Your body will start when it is ready. If you have been getting cramps then you are probably not too far from starting. Don't rush getting your period. You will have to deal with it for an entire week once a month every month for the rest of your life until you hit menopause so you will have plenty of excitement with your period later on! Just don't rush it!
one way is to have sex two times a day for a weak
There is no way to know when you will start your period when you first start taking Triphasal birth control. You just have to wait and see how your body reacts.
The same way you would after your first period just make sure that if you are a virgin to be careful of penetration stick to clitoral stimulation and do what feels good, there is no right age or time for masterbation.