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yeah you can purchase them right at your local pharmacy. Keep track of your period the day you start and they day you end every month and they have free ovulation calanders on line which are helpful. Just Google free ovulation calander and some will come up. good luck

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Q: Is there a test to find out if you are ovulating each month?
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If you have a negative ovulation test does that mean your pregnant?

No it just means you are not ovulating. The egg is only present a 1 day a month.

How long after ovulating do you check for pregnancy?

It is depending on the pregnancy test. Each test will list the time needed. Mostly around 2 weeks.

If youre a month late how good of chances are you pregnant?

If you had sex while you were ovulating, then there is a big chance. Take a preg test to make sure.

If you just recently took a pregnancy test which was positive and also took an ovulation test the same day that was saying you were ovulating What is going on Are you pregnant or ovulating?

I would be inclined to believe the pregnancy test, but take another one to be sure.

How do iknow iam ovulating whil iam on clomid?

The only way to know is to take an ovulating test (you can buy it at Wal-Mart or any other retail store or drug store). It costs anywhere from $15-$30. You take the test every day until it shows that you are ovulating (it's just like a pregnancy test).

What is the Perfect time to impregmate my wife?

have her take an ovulating test you can get them at any place that sells pregnancy test and the test will tell you if she is ovulating or not and when she is, is the best time to try and conceive

If you are having a brownish spots can you be pregnancy?

Yes, although you could just be ovulating because many women spot when they are ovulating. If you miss your next period, take a test

Can it tack more then 2Weeks to know you are pregnant because i tock a test and it came out negative because the guy i with came in 2Weeks ago?

You can wait a little longer if you want but also remember that just because you have unprotected sex it does not mean you will get pregnant each time. You might not have been ovulating then. Only 12% of all women ovulate on the same day in each cycle every month.

If i smoked very little marijuana one month ago will i test positive in a blood test?

Smoking marijuana an month ago, you can be test, and find positive. Marijuana stay in your system about 28 to 31 days

Can a doctor use his fingers to test for pregnancy after 3 days?

No there is no way to test using your fingers you can how ever tell if you are ovulating or not by using your fingers by checking the cervical mucus and the position of the cervix if it is low and firm like the tip of your nose then you are not ovulating if it is high and closed then you could be ovulating if it is high and closed it can mean you are pregnant but it is still better to take a test to be sure it could be closed because the cervix is getting ready to lower and start your period.

If you are ovulating and you take a pregnancy test will it show up pregnant?

NO the only thing that will make a pregnancy test show positive results is if the HCG hormone is detected so if you got a positive result your pregnant your pregnant ovulating has nothing to do with it Good Luck and God Bless!!!

How do you know if your done ovulating at age 55?

no period or spotting every few months.or ask your doctor to do a fertility test. That will tell you how many eggs are left and will give you an idea if your done ovulating or not...