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methamphetamine (Methylamphetamine) - street name; 'crystal meths' or 'ice' is not a substitute for amphetamine at all!!!

It is a stimulant drug and has highly powerful and addictive properties.

It is a much stronger substance than amphetamine and has similar affects to that of crack cocaine (although longer lasting)

Unlike substitutes available for withdrawal from heroin there is no substitute for amphetamine only substance misuse key working sessions or rehabilitation

There is no amphetamine maintenance program similar to methadone maintenance, though tailored amphetamines are appearing on the market that allow for slow dispersal throughout the day via absorption in the lower intestine and are digested and made active in the blood. Stepping down from uppers is unpleasant, you may not feel as confident, as motivated, or as happy as you'd been. This passes with time. I would ask your doctor to help you step down with an extended release preparation, or look into Vyvanse and ween off. Be honest with a doctor. You may get snubbed, but at least mention to your GP first and see what he thinks of the taper idea. I would recommend simply quitting and being miserable for a bit, but if you want to try the aforementioned idea out, it's worth a shot.

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Q: Is there a substitute for amphetamine that someone who is addicted to amphetamine can take?
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Yes, take Suboxone.

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That would be dumb. Energy pills are weak energy compared to Amphetamine. Amphetamine alone is good enough.

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