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This is not exactly a spell, but it works 100%! I tried it last night and the next morning, I woke up early! Just the time I need to wake up!

What you need:


#1. Make sure you have a pillow on your bed.

#2. Make sure you are close to it.

#3. Put your head on it.

#4. Bang your head on it.

If you bang your head on your pillow once, you will wake up at 1 am. If you bang 5 times, you will wake up at 5 am.`Okay if you want to wake up like 5:36, use your fingers! What ever hand you write, you do it. Make sure you start with your index finger. Index finger, middle finger, ring finger, pinky, thumb. If you do that 5 times, it is 5:05. Do it 36 times, you wake up at 5:36.

This is not a joke! It works 100%!

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