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methamphetamine is sold as a prescription drug under the name Desoxyn, so needless to say prescription meth would test the same as street meth

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Q: Is there a prescription drug that will test identical to meth?
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What prescription drugs will show as methamphetamine in a urine drug test?

Desoxyn WILL show up as meth in a urine test because it is meth. Most of the drugs that throw false positives for meth are OTC preparations that contain pseudoephedrine, the drug meth is made from.

Can a drug test tell that you are taking desoxyn and not street meth?

Not specifically, but if you have a prescription from a doctor for Desoxyn, bring it with you so that the tester can note such on your paperwork.

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You smoked meth and have a drug test in 2 days will you pass if you dont smoke it all the time?

If you smoke meth, it will show up on a drug test. The way to pass a drug test is not to use drugs. Not smoking all the time will just make your drug test ... test positive for drug use.

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Can will clonazepam drug cause a positive result in a ua drug test?

No, it will not show up in an ordinary illegal drug test. Almost all employer drug screens only detect illegal or "street" drugs such as weed, coke, herion, Meth, pcp. It can howerever be detected in a more detailed test which looks for prescription drugs.

What legal drug looks like crystal meth in a urine test?

Oh, dude, that's a tricky one! The legal drug that can make you look like you've been hanging out with Heisenberg is good ol' Sudafed. Yeah, the stuff you take for a stuffy nose can sometimes show up as meth in a urine test. So, next time you're feeling under the weather, just remember you might end up looking like a Breaking Bad extra at the doctor's office.

Can you fail a drug test for meth if you have inhaled lye?


Will hydroxyz show as meth on a drug test?

no, it is a antihistamine.

What drug shows methamphetamine on drug test?

meth . dee dahh derr .

If you smoke meth 3 hours before an oral drug test what are the chances of you failing?

You will fail if they test for meth. No question about it.

Will Vyvanse show up as pcp on a drug test?

No. Vyvanse is an ADHD medication and is classified as amphetamines. You will fail a drug test for amphetamines, not PCP. It is highly unlikely to fail a drug test for an illegal drug (cocaine, pcp, etc) by taking a prescription drug. The only example of this occurring is failing for methamphetmine (illegal---crystal meth) when you have only taken ampethamine (legal with prescription---adderall, vyvanse, etc). This depends on the type of test you take. Some tests cannot tell the difference.