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Yes, there is a natural remedy for curing a sore throat. Chewing raw garlic helps to soothe a sore throat because it has antibacterial properties. You could also try drinking warm milk with honey or gargling warm salt water.

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Q: Is there a natural remedy for curing a sore throat?
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Srepsil lozenge is an effective way of curing a throat pain. It is a remedy for sore throat. However, along with it you should also drink plenty of warm liquids and also have water.

How breathing through the nose helps in curing a sore throat?

Yes, if you breathe through your nose it will help in keeping the throat normal else breathing through the mouth makes it dry. It can be taken as a simple remedy for sore throat.

What can you use for sore throat?

There are a large assortment of medical throat sprays that numb the back of the throat (they taste terrible). But for a natural remedy, try eating a teaspoon of honey. If that doesn't work, suck on a lozenge.i always find that cranberry juice helps for a sore throat.

What remedy for throat infections include honey?

Honey used as a remedy for throat infections usually involves mixing it with other ingredients like cinnamon. It helps soothe a sore throat.

What is a good sentence for remedy?

A good remedy for a sore throat is hot tea. Instead of asking for help, I'll remedy the situation myself.

What modern medicine should I use for a sore throat?

if its just a sore throat, and there is no sign of infection, just gargle with warm salt water twice a day, its an old remedy.

What is the reason behind swallowing often during a sore throat?

Swallowing is the best thing to do while you have a sore throat as it acts as a natural lubricant and helps soothe the throat. It is one of the best and effective remedies for sore throat.

Can tequila help to soar throat?

A common home remedy for a sore throat is to mix a small amount of tequila or other spirit with honey and lemon juice.

Which remedy was used to cure a cough or sore throat in Tudor times?

To swallow live spiders in butter. Gross, right?

What do you do when you have a sore throat and Sinus Infection?

Honestly, (This goes for if you feel a sore throat coming on as well) the best possible remedy other than over-the-counter medications is all natural, PIPING HOT, honey & tea! Be sure to put at least 2 tablespoons of honey in your tea- and drink at least 3 cups or more! Feel better :)

How do you know if you have a sore throat?

Does your throat feel raw and sore? If the answer is yes, you have a sore throat.

What about sore throte?

A sore throat is often caused by viral infections like the common cold or flu. It can also result from allergies, dry air, or irritants like smoke. Remedies include rest, hydration, throat lozenges, and warm saltwater gargles. If symptoms persist or worsen, it's best to consult a healthcare professional.