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Yes, there is a natural remedy for curing a sore throat. Chewing raw garlic helps to soothe a sore throat because it has antibacterial properties. You could also try drinking warm milk with honey or gargling warm salt water.

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Q: Is there a natural remedy for curing a sore throat?
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Srepsil lozenge is an effective way of curing a throat pain. It is a remedy for sore throat. However, along with it you should also drink plenty of warm liquids and also have water.

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Yes, if you breathe through your nose it will help in keeping the throat normal else breathing through the mouth makes it dry. It can be taken as a simple remedy for sore throat.

What can you use for sore throat?

There are a large assortment of medical throat sprays that numb the back of the throat (they taste terrible). But for a natural remedy, try eating a teaspoon of honey. If that doesn't work, suck on a lozenge.i always find that cranberry juice helps for a sore throat.

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Honey used as a remedy for throat infections usually involves mixing it with other ingredients like cinnamon. It helps soothe a sore throat.

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A good remedy for a sore throat is hot tea. Instead of asking for help, I'll remedy the situation myself.

What modern medicine should I use for a sore throat?

if its just a sore throat, and there is no sign of infection, just gargle with warm salt water twice a day, its an old remedy.

What is the reason behind swallowing often during a sore throat?

Swallowing is the best thing to do while you have a sore throat as it acts as a natural lubricant and helps soothe the throat. It is one of the best and effective remedies for sore throat.

Can tequila help to soar throat?

A common home remedy for a sore throat is to mix a small amount of tequila or other spirit with honey and lemon juice.

Which remedy was used to cure a cough or sore throat in Tudor times?

To swallow live spiders in butter. Gross, right?

How can I make a soothing honey salt water solution for a natural remedy?

To make a soothing honey salt water solution for a natural remedy, mix warm water with a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of salt. Stir until the honey and salt are dissolved. Gargle with this solution to help soothe a sore throat or mouth irritation.

How do you know if you have a sore throat?

Does your throat feel raw and sore? If the answer is yes, you have a sore throat.

What do you do when you have a sore throat and Sinus Infection?

Honestly, (This goes for if you feel a sore throat coming on as well) the best possible remedy other than over-the-counter medications is all natural, PIPING HOT, honey & tea! Be sure to put at least 2 tablespoons of honey in your tea- and drink at least 3 cups or more! Feel better :)