None. A penis pump will not cure impotence.
One can find information on male impotence on websites such as Netdoctor. This website breaks down the symptoms of the disorder as well as possible causes behind it.
there is no natural cure, only surgery when needed
Some injuries you can have in the male reproductive system are: Prostatitis cancer of the prostate, impotence and infertility.
Viagra tablets is used to treat male Impotence also known as Erectile Dysfunction
I'm sorry but unless you see it as the latest new invention all over the worlds news I wouldn't think it's real. All these companies claim to be the best cure and if there ever is one it would be huge thing on the news.
How to cure nerve weekness
Male impotence, painful menstruation, menopause disorders, anxiety, nervousness, mild depression, constipation.
You dont need to cure it. Its a natural occurence. Live with it.
There is no known cure for alcoholism, only abstinence.