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I presume the antacid is being used for heartburn. Prescription and over the counter acid blockers (e.g. Nexium, Tagamet, etc.) block the production of acid and don't rely on calcium to buffer. They are not recommended for long term use, however, due to adverse side effects.

Regular over-the-counter antacids in tablet form usually contain some sort of alkyline material to neutralize acids, and calcium is found in many of these substances. However, there are calcium-free over-the-counter antacid tablits too.

Interestingly, deglycyrrinized licorice (DGL, in lozenge or powder form) is a more natural compound that appears to be effective in calming heartburn. DGL coats the GI tract, acting as a physical buffer once stomach acid has started to make its way up GI tract. DGL can interact with some medications, so it is best to take under the advice of a licensed naturopathic doctor.

Keep in mind that in many cases, eliminating food sensitivities can completely reverse chronic episodic heartburn, which means a person wouldn't have to worry about antacids at all.

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