Canada's Capital Is Getting Trade Of People With America. But Mostly Females Are On Trade More Than Boys, So That Means In Canada,There Are More Girls Than Boys, Even Though The Symbol Of Canada Has Nothing To Do With Girls.
18 boys 30 girls
2 to 1, boys to girls
2 to 1
In my opinion, ther is nothing wrong about being young and liking girls or boys.
its so cool and to see their stuff but its cool wen girls sag to but not past ther nees
Ther are more anoles then crickets because anoles are found in florida,africa and ny.
He did this because he wanted to train the young boys of Germany to go into the army and the young girls of Germany to help do the housework and the cooking
hmm that depends wetha what kind they r me mysely a (bo) wudnt wear 1 bt sum wud all ndepends which 1 u gt as ther r boys n girls 1
its sometimes called the "time of the month" or they're spoiled brats... and guys are just chill as it is and not all girls throw tantrums... oh and they're not worth is just saying....
yes stupid