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Sinusitis is the inflammation of the nasal sinuses. It can either be acute or chronic. Most of all sinusitis is caused by bacteria, some viral. Symptoms of sinusitis include fever, low grade, cough, headache, pain in the facial area around the eyes or above eyes, difficulty breathing through your nose, You can tap on your forehead or just over your eyes and around your cheek bones then you might have a sinus infection.

Cautions: May interfere with iron absorption.


Bayberry: Helps clear congestion, aids circulation, reduces fever.

Anise: Clears mucus from the sinus and air passage ways, combats infection, Good for respiratory infections such as sinusitis.

Fenugreek: Reduces fever, Good for eyes, Helps Asthma and sinus problems by reducing mucus and good and lung disorders.

Mullein: Good for asthma, bronchitis, difficulty breathing, earache, hay fever, and swollen glands.

Thyme: Eliminates headaches, mucus, good for croup, and other respiratory problems, fever.

Red Clover: Good for bacterial infections and lung disorders. Helps loosen phlegm and clears congestion.

Peppermint: For flavoring and soothing the stomach.


Eat a lot of raw foods (Veggies, Fruits etc), Drink a lot of fruit juices, and herbal teas. Don't use sugar and reduce your salt intake. Dairy products can make more mucus. Eat things like yogurt and cottage cheese. Take a lot of vitamin c. Do not force blowing your nose. This only help to force the mucus back into your sinuses. Do not smoke and stay away from second hand smoke. Most people could be suffering from an immune disorder, you need to take more herbs that build up your immune system.

You can order tea from here or here

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You should not have any herbal tea to drink before a fasting blood test. You should not eat anything either. A few sips of water is ok but nothing else.

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Tea takes the prominant place.Other than tea,coffee,softdrinks,herbal drinks also taken.

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Hot chocolate or herbal tea i don't know a 1 letter word

What is herbal tea made of?

Herbal tea is an herbal infusion not made from the leaves of tea bush. Here in herbal you won't find any caffeine. In addition to serving as a beverage, herbal teas are also consumed for their medicinal benefits. Basically i prefer chamomile tea which is one of the herbal tea especially for their stimulant, relaxant or seductive properties.