Matches contain poisonous chemicals in addition to sulfur. So to answer you question. Yes they are!
...the head of the match a called the 'HEAD' or 'TIP'
By a tip off.
Yes it does. You just choose the correct size tip and voltage to match your Asus
A match striker is the top of the match when struck with an abrasive surface will combust and product a flame. The chemical used on the tip of the match is red phosphorus.
It stands for Open tip match grade ammo
A mach which usually has a different colored tip. the tip is sulfur which is the oxidiser for the phosphorus in the match. Which allows you to strike it on any rough surface. regular matches the sulfur is in the sandpaper you strike it on.
They change colors to match sand / dirt they are poisonous
tip foster
there like strike anywhere matches where you can strike them on anything that creates friction.
The size of the needle and the size of the tip should match unless you are using bugpin needles, in which case the tip should be two sizes smaller than the needle.
Writing on your hand with a felt tip pen is not typically poisonous. However, it is not recommended as the ink may contain chemicals or toxins that could be harmful if absorbed through the skin or accidentally ingested. It's best to avoid using markers or pens not intended for direct contact with the skin.
A match lights only once because the initial reaction of the match head with the striking surface creates enough heat to ignite the match tip. Once the match has burned, there is no longer enough material left on the match head to sustain another ignition.