yea cuz pip an' estelluh go hold HANDS at da end of da libro. the hold hands mean they friends. best buddiezz. cool story broski... they no mad at each other no more.
A lot of detailed analysation. Pip and Estella's relationship resolvement is your opinion.
In Charles Dickens' "Great Expectations," the relationship between Pip and Estella is left somewhat ambiguous and open to interpretation. While there is a suggestion of reconciliation and a possibility of a future together, the ending is not definitive about their relationship status.
because pip and estella founhght, estella started to have a feeling to pip:immature-ness. After this incident, Estella started to dislike him forever and throughout the sdtory.
During their wait, Pip and Estella engage in casual conversation about their surroundings and their thoughts. Estella expresses her feelings about their brief time together and shares her perspective on their past. Similarly, Pip reflects on their relationship and contemplates the future.
Miss Havisham and Estella were too busy to visit with Pip.
Estella tells Pip that she is going to marry Drummle. Pip is greatly upset by this news because he is in love with Estella and was hoping to have a future with her.
Pip learns that Estella is on her way to London through a letter from Jaggers informing him of her impending arrival. Jaggers, who is Estella's guardian, notifies Pip that she will be coming to London to visit him.
Pip kissed Estella.
How could the relationship between Pip and Biddy be described?
In Chapter 15 of "Great Expectations," the character of Bentley Drummle is introduced as Pip's rival for Estella's affections. The conflict arises as Pip becomes increasingly jealous of Drummle's relationship with Estella, leading to tension between the two characters.
From the information in the passage, it can be inferred that there are negative feelings between Mrs. Brandley and Pip, as well as between Estella and Pip. Additionally, Estella does not have a positive opinion of Mrs. Brandley. Pip's feelings of jealousy are also implied.
Estella slapped Pip across the face in response to his question about her insult.