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Actually, not really.

Scientifically, your brain is where emotions and feelings are created, therefore, your heart doesn't really have anything to do with it. Obviously when you're feeling emotional around someone you love, your heart rate can increase, causing you to feel it in your chest. But, thats caused by the brain too. The brain controls everything in your body, so technically the brain is the main organ involved with love. The heart just kinda does what the brain says.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

No, not at all

Feelings is what plays the major role.

Your heart has nothing to do with love. The reason the people say things such as, you stole my heart or you broke my heart is because the heart was once widely believed to have been the center of the human mind, they also believed it was a mystical organ.

Your heart supports the flow of blood through your body.

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Do love really come from the heart?

No it comes from the brain. Metaphorically speaking it comes from the heart because when people say I love you or talk about love they use the heart as the symbol.

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I believe yes from experience. The girl didn't love me but I love her. When I see her, my heart does skip a beat. I wore a heart monitor one day, and when I first saw her that day my heart skipped a beat.

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You have to know it in our heart. there is not "text book" answer.

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It appears he really likes you and the heart next to 'I really, really like you' means love is also a factor.

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if you mean the question to be "how do you tell him you love him," there's really no answer to it. If you really do love him, it should come naturally and from your heart.

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Its all about what your heart and mind are telling you. If you feel like you're really in love that is the only way to tell.

How does heart function when you are in love?

its not really in the heart its emotionally... uless your having hard good sex then your heart will beat faster as your moving quickly.

What do you do if you want to love someone but your heart don't?

Usually, when you want to love someone, so does your heart. Its about what the heart wants. Dont go and dive into it just because of the looks, that's probably why your heart doesn't want to love him/her. Its because your heart cares about the personality of that person, not just the looks. If you want to love someone, your heart has to love him/her first. Dont force yourself to love that person if the heart doesn't. It all comes naturally. SO TRUE. WELL IF YOU WANT TO LOVE SOMEONE THEN ITS NOT REALLY TRUE LOVE, LOVE COMES NATURALLY AND IF YOUR TRYING THEN STOP BECAUSE IT JUST WASNT MENT TO BE.