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No, it is the equivalent of the mans ejaculation and is still called cum. Urine comes out of the clit area and the cum comes out of the vagina area.

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Q: Is the fluid during sex urine that comes from a woman?
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Related questions

Is there a difference between men and women urine?

Yes a men's urine comes from a penis, a woman's from a vagina!(: x

Can a woman pass urine by mistake during squirting?

Yes, a woman can urinate by mistake during squirting and during orgasm. Squirting does not happen from the urethra.

Can IUD birth control make you pee sperm out?

During sex, sperm goes in the vagina. Urine comes out of the urethra. These tubes are not connected, so a woman does not "pee sperm out" in any circumstance.

When a woman ejaculates does it smell like urine or is it urine and not ejaculation fluid?

Ejaculate is not urine. However, ejaculate and urine all kind of hang out down there in the same area, so if you were to want to "taste" ejaculate, you could very well also be tasting urine, since they are "neighbors".

How does a woman urinate?

No, it comes from the urethra. It is close to the clitoris, but they are separate.

When they suck you dick What is the white stuff that comes out?

The white fluid that comes out is semen, which is a combination of sperm and other fluids produced by the male reproductive system. It is released during ejaculation.

Will a womans dilute a mans urine?

Will a woman's what dilute a mans urine?A woman's urine?Not really, they are essentially the same aside from a slight variance in hormones.

Is it safe to urinate inside a woman's vagina?

well, i don't see why not Urine is sterile, but too much fluid in there would likely be pretty uncomfortable. But if she's cool with it...

What is meaning of catch the rabbit?

The origination of "catch the rabbit" comes from an old pregnancy test, in which a rabbit was injected with a woman's urine to test for pregnancy. If a woman wanted to become pregnant, she first had to "catch the rabbit."

If a woman on her period can pre-ejaculation fluid get her pregnant?

Pre-ejaculate does contain sperm, and a woman can become pregnant at any time during her menstrual cycle.

Can cleaning or smelling dog urine harm you during pregnancy?

Cleaning or smelling dog pee doesn't affect you at all during pregnancy because it does not have high ammonia levels like cat urine (which a pregnant woman shouldn't touch at all) and is much closer to human urine when it comes to what's in it. So it will cause you no harm whatsoever although I would strongly suggest that if you are having to clean it you either wear gloves or wash your hands immediately afterwards like you would if you had to clean a toilet seat for example :)

What is galli-mainini test?

It is a "classic" test to determine if someone is pregnant or not. It is done by injecting subcutaneously the woman's urine to the frog, and after few hours, checking the frog's own urine. If the forg's urine contain sperms, the woman is pregnant. It is because the pregnant woman's urine contain hCG, a hormone that is made by placenta.