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Q: Is the death penality a detterent to criminals?
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When did Alaska abolish the death penality?

In 1957

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Why are several countries opposed to the Death penality?

Because there is always the possibility that an innocent person will be put to death, and those countries don't want that to happen.

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In North America many people say that the death penality does not decrease serious crime However in Saudi Arabia where there is a death penality Serious crime is virtually non existent Why?

Mainly because the Americans thin kthat they will get a light punishment while in Arabia they use Moses law of chopping of hands and stoning, which realy sends a chill ion the spine.

How many criminals were put to death with Jesus?

Two criminals were crucified with Jesus, one on his left and one on his right.

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Is the death penalty a deterrent?

Whether something is a suitable detterent or not depends on a) what the punishment is and b) how it affects certain people. For the dealth penalty, death is a final punishment for some, but for others such as the unhinged and those with nothing left to lose, its power as a deterrent becomes less imposing.

How do you disable the passlock theft-detterent system?

It is improper to answer questions that could aid a thief.

What's penality Driving no insurance?

what state??

Can a prosecutor seeking for death penality in state where it is not permitted?

You can't be sentenced to a state punishment that no longer exists on the states books. EXCEPT - if you are being tried in a federal or a military court, where the death penalty still applies.