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Q: Is the buttocks apart of you pelvic or abdomen area?
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Difference between thorax and abdomen?

The difference between the thorax and the abdomen is the position they lie in. The thorax lies between the head and the abdomen while the abdomen lies between the thorax and the pelvic area.

Why is the pelvic girdle only in the back of your bodies and not over your abdomen area?

IT protects body parts

What is a pain upper left abdominal area close to ribs?

The abdomen is an anatomical area that is bounded by the lower margin of the ribs is he pelvic bone.

Is big buttock woman easier to give birth?

It is not necessarily easier for a woman with large buttocks to give birth. Sometimes the size of the pelvis is not related to the size of the buttocks and it is actually the pelvic area that impedes the birth process.

What part of the body would you find the abdominal?

the abdominal what? ... the abdomen is that part of the human body inferiorly continuous with the pelvic area, and bounded superiorly by the diaphragm.

What are some symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease?

There are various symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease, most notably pain around the lower abdomen and pelvic area. Pain during urination, irregular menstrual bleeding and discomfort during sexual intercourse are other potential symptoms.

Is the lumbar region in the abdominopelvic area?

Yes. You are right. Lumber region is on the backside of your abdomen. You have pelvic bone below the lumber region.

When preparing for a pelvic exam how is the patient positioned on the examining table?

The patient lies on the examination table on her back and may put her feet in stirrups. The buttocks are then slid to the edge of the table in order for a full view of the area to be examined.

What does hip mean?

Hip refers to the area of the pelvic bone. It can also refer to the area beside the pelvic bones.

What would cause frequent spasms in the pelvic area in men?

What causes spasms in the front right pelvic area?

What is the pelvic cavity?

The pelvic cavity is the portion of the abdominopelviccavity enclosed by the hip bones. It contains the terminal portion of the large intestine, the urinary bladder, and the internal reproductive organs.

What can be the cause of your pelvic area feeling hard and swollen?

pelvic immflamatory disease or pregnant