

Is the blue spirit good or bad?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: Is the blue spirit good or bad?
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How do Christians verify if a spirit is an evil spirit or a good spirit?

The holy spirit is a god and god is good, so spirits are good > there are bad spirits too haokas, poulergeists, possibly even demons if you arent sure if you feel extreme horrible feelings it is possibly a bad spirit or had a bad thing happen to it

What are the effects of a good or bad spirit on a tribe?

A bad spirit could throw objects if it was mad.(which it probably would be because its bad.) A good spirit would want a person to stay with it and would not harm the person.

Can a bad spirit override a good spirit?

Yes. It usually depends on how powerful the two spirits are though. So it's not guaranteed the bad spirit will win just because it's bad.

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Yes they are. A story is told that the Blue Dragon is trapped with a evil spirit. Ninoa spirit. The dragon means brings good fortune and good luck. The evil spirits needed luck to win the war against another evil spirit. So they captured the blue dragon for luck.

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Ghosts are not good or bad themselves. It depends on the nature of the person whose spirit they are beholding.

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well what i heard a good spirit hes called upon to help in love spells so dont be afraid

Which color of pee is good?

Yellow= Good. Blue = Bad.

What is a hindering spirit?

one that wont leave immediately

Are smurf good or bad?

bad! They're evil little blue peoplez

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How can you tell if a ghost is around you?

If it is a bad spirit it will hurt you and throw things around but if it is a good spirit the temperature will drop rapidly and you will get a chill through your spine !!

Are the guys lined in blue good or bad In assassins creed revelations?

They are good people