Naval (please note spelling) vessels are usually taken to be the military vessels of a nation. Navel = belly button.
the navel of a killer whale is just like the navel of any other mammal. usually you can see it right in the middle of the orca's belly toward the bottom between where the black sides wrap around.
It is called eyebrow piercing. There is no scientific or medical term other than the generic "body modification."
Despite what most people say, you indeed can leave your navel in while pregnant! You need to buy a navel retainer, usually made of a hard rubber for pregnancy piercing jewelry, but almost any type of retainer will do.
It's near its consumers
It's near its consumers
# Navel Academe # Navel Maneuvers # Navel Operation # If on a lake or ocean it would be a Navel Flotilla
Its end looks like a navel, which is a bellybutton
Most likely a ticket cheat because you also have to have an enabler cheat which usually don't even work.
The name comes from Sanskrit, it means 5 and 6 ( total 11). In most common oranges usually there are 11, in navel oranges I counted 10 and a very small section in the navel.
A Navel is your belly button.