The (Christian Phalangist) Lebanese Forces militia lists the StG44 in their weapons inventory still.
Agm mp44 by far.
Yes, most certainly, on the Eastern Front. The German soldiers loved the weapon and could not get enough. 426000 were produced, mostly of the production variant StG44 (MP44 was an earlier designation).
No, there is not. Singleplayer only.
Not a thing. StG was just a more literal name for the MP44 (the StG prefix stands for Sturmgewehr, and MP stands for maschinenpistole).
An MP44 can be found for purchase online from various websites, an example of which being an auction website called Gun Broker. One can also check local advertisement listings or gun stores in their area. There are also Gun forum websites that provide local advice for anyone wishing to purchase an MP44.
No MP38, MP40, MP44
Stermgewehr. Also known as the Mp44 and the Stg-44
No but there is a similar design In WWll it was suppose to be used to kill the allies but the wunderwaffle can kill the person in front of you and you as also, it was built in to the MP44 or others say STG-44
$20,000 USD original $500 USD reproduction semi auto
its not. it used to be. but its not anymore.
she doesn't anymore but she used to she doesn't anymore but she used to