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Q: Is the Back2Life a scam
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Related questions

Does the back2life pain reliever machine really work?

it does work for round or hunched over backs

Where can one find reviews for Back2Life massager device?

Back2Life massager device reviews can be found at several websites. A good place to start would be at the Amazon Customer Reviews section. These reviews with give a rating out of 5 stars and a write-up on what the customer thinks about the product.

What is your opionion on the Back2Life?

My opinion is that Back 2 Life is a scam with no science behind it whatsoever. Two products that can relieve back pain are those inversion tables where you hang upside down, which cost around $400. And there's also something called Spinal Stretch, which costs $149 and is small and portable so you can use it anywhere.

How long does it take water to heat up to 100 degrees?

Two years 11/2 months and 3 days and 41/2 hours approximately.It has to do with how many thousands of gallons are in the tank , how many are being drawn out and what the BTU input is of the fuel being used100 litres at 60 degrees Celsius = 1 hour (2kw element)150 litres at 60 degrees Celsius = 1.5 hours (3kw element)200 litres at 60 degrees Celsius = 2 hours (4kw element)250 litres at 60 degrees Celsius = 2.5 hours (4kw element)provided all are using 220 volts of domestic electricity

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no it is not a scam

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it is not a scam. i played it since august 31, 2008 and it is not a scam

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