it does work for round or hunched over backs
Back2Life massager device reviews can be found at several websites. A good place to start would be at the Amazon Customer Reviews section. These reviews with give a rating out of 5 stars and a write-up on what the customer thinks about the product.
My opinion is that Back 2 Life is a scam with no science behind it whatsoever. Two products that can relieve back pain are those inversion tables where you hang upside down, which cost around $400. And there's also something called Spinal Stretch, which costs $149 and is small and portable so you can use it anywhere.
Two years 11/2 months and 3 days and 41/2 hours approximately.It has to do with how many thousands of gallons are in the tank , how many are being drawn out and what the BTU input is of the fuel being used100 litres at 60 degrees Celsius = 1 hour (2kw element)150 litres at 60 degrees Celsius = 1.5 hours (3kw element)200 litres at 60 degrees Celsius = 2 hours (4kw element)250 litres at 60 degrees Celsius = 2.5 hours (4kw element)provided all are using 220 volts of domestic electricity
no it is not a scam
it is not a scam. i played it since august 31, 2008 and it is not a scam
Definitely not a scam.
Is is scam
Mahadev scam
Is moonpigcom a scam?
is a scam?
It is a scam... DOnt do it.!