yes. it causes carpal tunnel which becomes a very painful ailment. over time, the condition will greatly worsen, leaving you with little movement of your thumbs. Also, the inactivity of the body due to spending all your time texting will lead to arteroscolerosis which can be deadly. if you are unaware to what artherosclerosis is, look it up! Anyways, this is a devastating illness which may eventually lead to cardiac arrest. Another issue from texting could be temporary blindness. too much screen time causes your cornea, (the thin, protective layer on your eye) to degenerate, which causes damage to the iris, so it no longer makes the pupil comtract so too much light enters the eye and damages the retina, frying the optic nerve which transfers the signals to the brain. So, next time you see that phone buzz, keep all the texting side effects in mind.
yes very bad
It can be bad for several people's health if you crash into them because you are distracted by using a cell phone. In the UK it is totally forbidden to use a mobile phone 9cell phone in any way, talking or texting, while you are driving, with heavy fines if you do.
Yes it is and in many ways.First it is bad for you physically.Secondly it is bad for you mentally.Third it is bad for you In your relationships.
Texting while driving is Illegal for anyone of any age in any state. It could be considered a healtcare issue because it can lead to wrecks and caus health issues, but otherwise texting while driving has nothing to do with healthcare.
No , but you don't need to do it 24/7
I do not think so. hi for who did this it is very good
It would depend on the laws of your jurisdiction.
If you text while driving, you will be arrested or get in a crash and die! Also, texting sends toxic radio waves.
It's not a bad thing unless you are sending her many texts and she is not replying
they look or stare at you when they are talking in their ear or passing notes or texting or you can hear them or you can see them writing or texting on their phone or on a paper
Bamf means Bad As* Mother F**ker.