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Q: Is temperature in ear same as taking it by mouth?
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Where other than the mouth can temperature be obtained from?

Axilla (The Armpit)Rectal (Anus)Tympanic (Ear)Be mindful of taking someones temperature where there is an infection.E.g.: Ear infection, Diarrhoea

What are three ways of taking a vital temperature?

Three ways of taking a vital temperature are using a digital thermometer orally, using a tympanic thermometer in the ear, or using a temporal artery thermometer on the forehead.

When might aural method be used to take body temperature?

Aural temperatures are taken in the ear. This type of temperature taking is useful for the very young who cannot hold a thermometer in their mouth.

Do you add a degree when taking temperature from the ear?

No, a degree is not typically added when taking a temperature from the ear. The temperature reading from an ear thermometer is already in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, so there is no need to add a degree to the result.

Do you add a degree when taking temperature by ear?

add a degree

What is tympanic temperature?

Tympanic temperature is the body temperature measured using a special thermometer placed in the ear canal. It is a quick and non-invasive method of taking temperature that is often used in healthcare settings. The tympanic temperature is considered a close approximation to core body temperature.

How many degrees do you add when taking a temperature by ear?

When taking a temperature by ear with an ear thermometer, typically you should add around 1 degree Fahrenheit (or 0.5 degrees Celsius) to the reading to get a more accurate reflection of the body's core temperature. This adjustment is necessary because ear temperatures can be slightly lower than core body temperature.

What instrument is used to measure blood temperature?

A thermometer is used to measure blood temperature. It can be inserted into the mouth, ear, or armpit to obtain the temperature reading.

What are the names of the sites on the body where temperature can be taken?

I believe there are actually only 3 and they include the mouth, the armpit and the anus. The fourth location is inside the ear. There are special measuring devices you can get (usually designed for infants) to measure temperature accurately.But the temperature of all places are not same.

What is the different routes for taking a temperature?

The three main routes for taking a temperature are oral, rectal, and axillary (underarm). Oral measurements are taken in the mouth, rectal measurements are taken in the rectum, and axillary measurements are taken in the armpit. Each route can provide slightly different readings, so it's important to use the same method consistently for accurate comparisons.

The tympanic thermometer is inserted into the what?

The tympanic thermometer is inserted into the ear canal to measure body temperature. It is a quick and non-invasive method of taking a temperature reading.

What is the best way to take temperature on a newborn?

digital thermometer is the best way to take temperature of newbornaxillary temperature taking has advantage over rectal(rectal temperature taking is contraindication in infant less than one month or premature)oral temperature(oral temperature is contraindicated for child less than 2 year old) and tympanic tempereture(tympanic temperature is contraindicated in draining ear or premature infant of small ear canal).