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Q: Is talking ginger safe
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Is it safe to store ginger at room temperature?

Yes, it is safe to store ginger at room temperature.

Is wild ginger a flower?

It depends. If the wild ginger your talking about is a spice, then yes. The spice ginger comes from a flower. But not red ginger also known as ginger flower or alpinia purpurata. Hmmm...well if you are talking about spice ginger, then it is a flowering plant. The ginger comes from the tuber which it grows underground. The ginger you see in the supermarket is called Jamaican ginger. The problem here is the word flower. a flower is only part of a plant but in common usage has become the word for flowering plant. In answer to the question I think, wild ginger is a plant that has flowers.

Is frozen ginger safe to eat after it turns pink?


Is taking ginger in 3rd trimester safe?

No, it is not dangerous... i have heard it from many people!!!! But i suggest you ask your doctor CALL NOW!!

Does ginger tea cause labor?

According to The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, ginger is safe for use in pregnancy when used orally in amounts found in foods, e.g. ginger root.As long as you're not allergic to ginger, you should be fine

Is it safe for your dog to eat Crystallized Ginger?

Well for a dog to eat ginger isn't healthy but its also not safe but if your dog eats a very small portion he/she she be okay but I would go to the vet to make sure he/she is okay.

What can you hear but not see and only speaks when it is spoken to?

Talking tom.Tom or talking ginger respond.

Is talking tom dangerous too?

No,only others except this one talking Angela is dangerous and ginger also except this.You can download it no problem

How can you make money as a 13 year old and be safe?

Sell you soul, if your a ginger, sell bodily fluids, and use a condom so your safe.

Is it true there is a man behind talking tom?

no there isnt a man behind talking tom buttheres a man behind talking ginger take a screenshot and zoom in gingers eyes you will see a head

Can you mix Tylenol PM with ginger?

I wouldn't see why you would do that, but I would say no to be on the safe side.

Is there an anti-nausea drug that does not make you sleepy?

Ginger. Safe,natural and won't make you sleepy.