definitely No.
Most people burn up to 1 and a half kilograms in a 8 hour sleep.
There is nothing connected betwin sleep/naps to gaining weight.
No, I don't take an afternoon nap.
an afternoon nap in Spanish is called a siesta
I laid down for a nap this afternoon, because 'this afternoon' implies past tense. If you want 'I lay down for a nap', then you take out the 'this afternoon'.
This phrase is after an afternoon nap is known as been prepositional appositive. This is learned in English.
I feel groggy after an afternoon nap.
It is siesta (from the Spanish custom).
"Siesta" refers to a nap, usually after lunch.
Sal and Phoebe saw Mrs. Finney taking a nap in her car parked at the Euclid Avenue bus stop.
The word is siesta (from Spanish).