Yes a good subwoofer will damage your hearing. The better the bass the more db levels they are pounding out and that is bad for your ears.
it isn't natural, unless your in the heat. but make sure you wash and clean your ears. if it continues to irritate you contact a doctor.
If I do it, my ears pop real bad. It's not a good idea. It can hurt your ears and prevent your nose from being cleared.
it depends on how loud you have the volume. too high can hurt your ears.
No. If you can't get your ears to pop, eg during altitude changes when you are flying, then chewing gum can help your ears to pop and relieve pressure. Otherwise, chewing gum is in no way good or bad for your ears.
Are the belt and belt tensioner in good condition? Are the tires properly inflated?
People assume that Claires is a bad place to get your ears pierced because they use piercing guns, which are bad- not true. I got my ears pierced at Claires and have never had a problem with them.
is claritin and sertraline good toether? and is it good for itchy ears
Constant loud sounds.
shaking the head, paws to ears, bad smell in ears
A good place to get your ears pierced is Lavender and Stone or Claires.