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Q: Is sprite bad for your teeth?
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Which is worst for your teeth sprite or coke?

They have similar carbonation and sugar content. They are about the same on your teeth.

What is the healthiest pop out of sprite and coke?

Sprite. No phosphoric acid. Doesn't stain teeth.

Does SPRITE contain Cafiene?

no sprite is cafiene free i would not recommend using it for rotting teeth

Is sprite better for your teeth than coke?


What makes teeth decay the fastest coke or sprite?


What does sprite do to your teeth?

i recommend root bear because studies have shown that it is one of the most healtiest sodas to drink! although i dont know what sprite can do to your teeth i do know that it is very delicous!!

Why did Arnani Cyrus called it sprite?

arnami Cyrus called it sprite because when he was young he died from sprite because the acid is bad

How does teeth react to sprite?

As in, the drink sprite? It is not good to drink pop too often because pop has a lot of sugar and people get calories. Calories are very painful, and ruin beautiful looking teeth.

How does sprite effect teeth?

Too much of it will rotten your teeth, dude to strong acid that can also damage your gum.

Does Sprite Rot your teeth?

Yes, any type of Lemonade/Pop is bad for you, it contain sugars that can rot your teeth carbonic acid in soda which eats away at your teeth, Sugar, chemicals and phosphoric acid is not a good idea. The carbonation itself is not good as it makes you feel very bloated.

What does sprite help with?

Sprite helps with making your bones vulnerable to break your bones. That's bad for you

Does sprite effect teeth?

Any sugary drink, especially soda, can rot teeth over a prolonged period of use.