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It could be a cervical change that can cause vaginal bleeding. Vaginal bleeding can also be a symptom of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. Another cause for bleeding during pregnancy is a miscarriage although the first two reasons for bleeding are more common, it is still a good idea to contact your doctor if you are too concerned.

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Q: Is spotting normal for 16 weeks of pregnancy with light cramping?
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Cramping after Light Period sign of Pregnancy?

No. Some are heavy and some are light. Sounds normal.

If cycle is One week late light brown spotting when wipe cramping and nausea could it be pregnancy?

Probably yes, have a pregnancy test for a more definitive result

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Bleeding during pregnancy is not "normal" but some light spotting is reported by about 50% of women in early pregnancy.

Can you have spotting and cramping if you're not pregnant?

Yes. You can have spotting in between cycles or at the start of a very light period. Take a home pregnancy test if you'd like to confirm whether or not you are pregnant

Is the last day of spotting heavy?

No all the spotting should be light , and not last as long as your normal period. Yes, this is very normal during the early weeks of pregnancy.

Does light pink discharge in early pregnancy mean miscarriage?

Hello. No this doesn't mean its a miscarriage hun. Miscarriage bleeding is usually heavy, red and very painful cramping. Its most likely early pregnancy spotting or spotting due to a UTI.

Why have light menstrual or spotting more than 10 days Is it normal?

If you have light menstrual spotting for more than 10 days, this isn't typically normal. Seeing a doctor can rule out health problems and pregnancy.

You are 8 weeks 3 days pregnant you have mild cramps and light spotting is this normal? Hello. Light cramps is normal during early pregnancy providing the cramps are not severe or very uncomfortable. Spotting can be normal also during early pregnancy. But spotting and cramping does need to be investigated to make sure everything is going well with the pregnancy. See your doctor asap. Common but NOT normal, there is a difference.

Symptoms if u pregnant?

Light spotting and cramping, sore breasts, fatigue, morning sickness, a missed period, and mood swings are all signs of pregnancy.

Ive had all the symptoms of pregnancy but i am spotting like a normal very light period which is abnormal for me should i still take a pregnancy test?

It is still possible to be pregnant and have spotting. You should take a pregnancy test to make sure.

Is b it normal to spot at the begging of pregnancy?

Yes. Spotting is a bloody vaginal discharge or light bleeding down under. Spotting during pregnancy is nothing to be worried about. It is especially common during the first trimester.Congrats!

I have spotting and light cramps 4 days after unprotected intercourse. what could possible cause this?

According to the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" this could be a sign of ovulation. Some women experience spotting and light cramping after the egg is released. It is unlikely that this is implantation spotting if this is only four days after ovulation, because implantation spotting and cramping usually occurs 8-10 days after the egg is fertilized. Sperm can live up to 5 days so I would be sure to take a pregnancy test if you do not get your period when expected. The book is wonderful and tells all kinds of normal symptoms women experience throughout the entire month - things we may not have noticed, but are perfectly normal.