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Ofcourse it is where would it be without it? Once my knees were hurting because of too much masturbation and so it has to be because of this.

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No, from the testicles.

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Q: Is sperm stored in the knees?
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Sperm mature in the epidydmis and are stored in what?

sperm are both matured and stored in the epididymus.

What stores the sperm sells?

Sperm is stored and matured in a structure adjacent to the testicles. It is called the epididymis.

After the sperm is produced they are stored in a tube on the outer surfece of the testicles?

Yes, the sperm is stored in the tube of the urethra.

Where are sperm stored after they are produced in the male reproductive system?

Sperm are stored in the epididymis after they are produced in the male reproductive system.

Where is sperm stored in a earthworms?

sperm is stored in what is simply reffered to as the sperm duct at the end of the worm worms produce mucus like slime to exchange there sperm the rest is like a human

What the sperm are stored in a long tube called?

Sperm are stored in a long tube called the epididymis, which is located at the back of the testicles. The epididymis is where sperm mature and gain the ability to swim and fertilize an egg.

Where are mature sperm stored until they released?

Mature sperm are stored in the epididymis, a tightly coiled tube located on the back of each testicle. Sperm are stored in the epididymis until they are ready to be ejaculated during sexual activity.

Where is sperm stored until it is used by the worm?

We learned this in Science class while dissecting worms...Sperm is stored in an earthworm's seminal vesicles.

Is sperm produced in the epifidymis within the testes?

No, it just stores them. The testicles produce sperm.

Sperm cells are stored in the scrotum?

Yes, sperm cells are produced in the testes and stored in the epididymis, which is a coiled tube attached to the testes located within the scrotum. The scrotum provides the proper temperature for sperm production which is slightly cooler than the rest of the body.

What is yellow sperm cell?

It's just old sperm. Sperm is stored and sometimes it appears in clusters or yellowish in appearance.

What is located at the upper part of the testes where sperm cells are stored until they become matured?

The upper part of the testes where sperm cells are stored until they become matured is called the epididymis. It is a coiled tube where sperm undergo maturation and are stored until they are ready to be ejaculated.