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defenitly don't spank them over everything i would give them one worning say "if you dont stop your gonna get a spanking" if they still act up give them a good old fashioned spanking!

give her a HARD, HURTFUL, good oldfasioned spanking if she wont listen

If a girl or bpy for that matter is being deliberately defiant, or naughty, I have no qualms about giving them a good old fashioned spanking over my lap. A proper spanking should be applied solely to the buttocks, either covered (shorts or panties) or on the bare. I prefer bare, especially if the child is a bit older. This adds an element of embarassment that will be remembered long past the pain of a spanking and MOST will not want a repeat and will act accordingly.

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Q: Is spanking naughty
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What are the release dates for Spanking the Naughty Girl - 1898?

Tickling the Soles of Her Feet - 1898 was released on: USA: July 1898

Can you use inconsistent in a sentence?

yes i can, can you? "Your homework efforts this term have been inconsistent in conjunction with your ability Susan. You naughty, naughty girl. Get in my office right now, you need a spanking".

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u slap her little booty the naughty cow By Margaret Thatcher naughty in a sense of being naked? well if that's what you're talking about i know all about it. i have a 15-year-old who got naked in front of her boyfriend without permission from me - so naughty. i laid her on my knee and gave her a little spanking on her butt

Is spanking bad?

No. There are some parents who spank too much, or in the wrong way, or for the wrong reasons. But punishing a naughty child with a controlled spanking on the bottom, fora specific misdeedhe or sheknew was wrong, is not a bad thing and ought to be more often practiced.

Who is le pere fouttard and what does he do?

He goes round with saint Nicolas and says who has been naughty and whoever has they put lumps of coal in their shoes and also gives the children a spanking!

Can you get in trouble for spanking your child at a car wash with cameras?

I don't think so, but how could the child be so naughty that they needed to be spanked, I was never grounded, even when I did do something wrong.

What is the best tool for spanking ruler or paddel?

Well, honey, it really depends on what kind of spanking you're aiming for. A ruler might give you a quick sting for those "naughty schoolchild" vibes, while a paddle can deliver a more intense thwack for those who like it rough. Just remember, always communicate with your partner and establish a safe word before diving into any spanking shenanigans.

Can spanking be exercise?

No, spanking can not be considered exercise.

Whenshould a child be spanked?

Never, ever! Time out or stern talking to! And if that doesest work, maybe you yell often at the kid? Spanking is something that goes around. You hit your kid, he will trn around and hit a kid that did something naughty to him! (or Her!)

Should you spank your kids?

many parents have different opinions you should not hit them but spanking them gives them discipline. you should spank your kids it says that in the bible!!!!

Does Sweden allow spanking?

Spanking is illegal in Sweden.

When was Naughty Naughty - album - created?

Naughty Naughty - album - was created in 1992.