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Q: Is sniffing good or bad
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Can sniffing a mineral be bad?

Sniffing a mineral could be bad, yet it depends entirely on the mineral involved.

What are dolphins nose good for?

There noses are good for sniffing out other fishes that there going to eat and Sniffing out Predators

Is sniffing sharpies bad for you?

Yes, they have chemicals and can cause brain damage.

What are hamsters bad at?

hamsters are bad at eating clothes if you don't tame them they are also bad at sniffing everything that is around but who doesn't. PHOTOS!

Why is it bad sniffing chalk?

well i don't think that it would be good....sniffing anything like that would eventually wear down the cartalige in your nose, causeing frequent nose-bleeds and eventually making you look like Michael Jackson. Chalk would be especially bad I would think because it is made of tiny shells that are basically glass.

How good is a pandas sense of smell?

very good it is used for sniffing for food and predators

Is sniffing scented markers bad?

yes you can cause when you smell it the toxic will go in your body and you could die

How is a giant anteater adapted to the rain forest?

because they have very good smell which is good for sniffing out dinner!

Can farts smell good?

Fart may smell good if a person likes that dirty smell. But dogs really like smells that smell bad to us. That's how they get to know each other,by sniffing butts.

Does sniffing a teddy bear help stress?

Sometimes, but it is good for the soul, relax and chll!

Is sniffting nail polish bad for your health?

yes it kills brain cells. its the same as huffing paint or sniffing glue

Does sniffing tissue count as a drug?

no sniffing tissue is harmless