You can't snort crack. I mean, I suppose you could try. But that's not how people do it. Regular cocaine can be snorted OR smoked, but crack cocaine is only smoked. It was actually invented to be an easier-to-smoke form of cocaine.
It's sniffing crack cocaine.
IS cocaine like crack
eat it
No, it will not. Crack is simply cocaine prepared with baking soda in a way that makes it smokeable so a drug test performed on someone who has taken crack and someone who has taken cocaine will return the same chemical signature.
Sniffing cocaine causes a perforated septum by continuous use of the drug, tissues in the nose are deprived of blood and die.
Crack cocaine in the united States
some websites suggest that you can crush up some types of pills and cook them like the cocaine. They call it ghetto crack.
Cocaine refers to the drug in its powder form, while crack is cocaine that has been processed into a rock crystal, typically smoked. Crack is a more potent and fast-acting form of cocaine, leading to a quicker and more intense high. Additionally, crack is generally cheaper and more addictive than powder cocaine.
Crack/Cocaine is listed as a stimulant.
No, PCP and crack cocaine are two different drugs.
Crack cocaine typically appears as small, rock-like crystals that range in color from off-white to pale rose. It is commonly broken into small pieces or "rocks" before being smoked.