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Q: Is sleeping in a chair good or bad?
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Use A Dedicated Computer Chair?

If you're using an inferior chair with your home office, consider switching to a dedicated computer chair to make sure you're posture is good and comfort is maintained. A bad chair causes long term damage.

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Is sleeping good or bad for you?

Sleeping is totally good unless you are sleeping too much. 8 hours is a normal sleeping time period for people. If you sleep more than that everyday you may want to see a doctor, and if you sleep less than 7 you may want to go to the doctor's.

Does sleeping on the couch bad for a relationship?

If you are both sleeping on the couch it's good but if your sleeping on the couch by your self then it's bad.Yea but if you fall asleep while like watching a movie together its ok alot of pppl do it

Did anyone purchase a leather chair that has a bad odor?

Yes, I did. Where did you purchase your chair?

Is sleeping good or bad for your bodies minds emotions and spirtis?

Stay up for 3 days and you tell us.

Is it bad to eat lunch and then go to sleep?

No, after a good meal, usually a person gets sleepy. That is natural.

Detail of good posture and bad posture?

Good posture is when your back is straight, arms to your sides, feet flat on the floor. Bad posture is slumped in your chair, arms across your stomach, and barely opening your lungs.

What are the problem of the chair?

The chair's design is not attractive. The number of chair is too less. The chair's design sucks. The chair is heavy. The chair's quality is not good.