No, it is not healthy.
The average amount of sleep a person should get per night range usually from 7-9 hours. If you vary once in a while (maybe 6 hours once in a while,maybe10-12 hours once in a while), you'll be fine. But 16 is tooexcess and can mess up a person's sleep cycle.
Scientists have linked sleeping to little and sleeping too much to many health problems, including Diabetes, heart problems, depression, loss of gray matter in the brain, increased rates of death, as well as other problems. So get off that bed, ya slug!
Sleeping for 12 hours a day is not typical in a healthy individual. The average adult needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep everyday for the body to remain healthy. If you are sleeping for 12 hours a day, you should see a doctor.
It is important to rest for at least eight hours and sleeping increases memory.
when you sleep well you are resting your body, brain and your mascals. a good and healthy sleeping is between 8-10 hours.
A fifteen year old cat has probably spent ten years of its life sleeping cats should spend 16-18 hours a day sleeping Answer: Cats usaly spend 50 to 75% of the that's 12-16 hours a day.
Not at all. Koalas spend, on average, 16 to 20 hours a day sleeping. The rest of the time, they are eating, or moving between trees.
Cats are long nappers. Sleeping, for cats, is a way to conserve energy. They usually nap for 12 - 16 hours.
Sleeping is healthy. Oversleeping can be dangerous to a person health.
Basically eating healthy, going to the washroom regularly, exercising daily and sleeping 6-9 hours each night are all you need to keep your system healthy.
They usually eat 12 hourse but to be helathy 16 hourse :)
The advrage cat spends HALF of there LIVES asleep. so... yeah...
Very doubtful that it is ill. Cats sleep between 16-21 hours on average a day. I trust it is not sleeping more than this as you would never see it if it was!!!!!
The duration of The Sleeping Child is 1.58 hours.