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sharing a drink is not kissing, kissing is an intimate seductive relationship between two persons which involves the lips and the feelings of the two individuals. sharing a drink is nice , yes , but is completely different from kissing.

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Q: Is sharing a drink like kissing?
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How is mono spread?

Only by sharing saliva with someone who has the virus and is contagious Sharing drink, food, kissing etc.

How does the flew sread to other humans?

It can be airborne or from sharing a drink, touching a lot, and kissing.

How do you get mono?

From direct physical contact with an infected person. It was called the kissing disease years ago. You can even get it by sharing a glass or a straw or utensils when eating and drinking. It is a viral infection, caused by Epstein-barr. It is commonly known as the kissing disease.You would get it through saliva.

How do you get meningitus?

i think by kissing and sharing soft drinks.

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Clean hands, not sharing food and drink, and being careful when kissing are the best ways to avoid cold sores. The virus can be very easily transmitted.

Are relationships about holding hands hugging and kissing?

No, its about sharing emotions and ideas.

Is sharing a drink with someone dangerous?

it depends on what is in the drink and it is when you have a disease too.

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No, you can also get it by kissing.

Can you spread a sore throat by sharing food or drink?

When a sore throat is caused by a virus or a bacteria, sharing food or drink can spread it to others.

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Hsv -1 (herpes simplex virus) can be transmitted through the sharing of saliva/kissing. hsv -2 is transmitted through sexual contact.

Is mono an airborn disease?

Mononucleosis is typically transmitted from asymptomatic individuals through saliva (hence "the kissing disease"), or by sharing a drink, or sharing eating utensils. It may also be transmitted through blood. It is NOT an aiborne disease