

Best Answer

No. Sand is made up of tiny pieces of rock.

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Q: Is sand alive
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Does sand have genes?

No. Sand is sediment. It is not alive.

Is sand abotic or both?

The term abiotic refers to something that is not alive. Sand is clearly not alive, so it is abiotic.

Does sand had cells?

Sand are not living things.It is a compound made of SiO2.

Is sand a nonliving thing in a desert?

yes cuz sand isn't alive...

Is sand desert sand a nonliving thing?

Yes. Sand consists of tiny grains of rock. Rock is not alive.

Is sand dunes alive or dead?


How does the sand dolllars eat?

Sand Dollars are the carcasses of dead sea urchins, and when alive, they eat though a mouth.

Is it Illegal to remove sand dollars?

only if they are still alive, if they are still alive return to water, if dead you can collect.

Does a sand dollar have eyes?

Click on the link for a picture on a different website.

Is sand a producer?

No, sand is not a producer. Producers are organisms, like plants, that can make their own food through photosynthesis. Sand is a non-living material made up of small rock and mineral particles.

Is sand cold blooded?

The term doesn't apply. Warm-blooded and cold-blooded are ways of describing the metabolisms of animals. Sand is not an animal or even alive.

Is quicksand a rock?

No, it is sand which is being held in suspension by moving water. "Quick" is an old way of saying "alive" so it means "living sand". I suppose because it is perceived as attacking, which regular sand doesn't!