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Q: Is rust dangerous to your health when eaten or swallowed?
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How dangerous is rust under car?

rust inder cars can be dangerous maybe the bottom will fall off! =^_^=

Why is rust in teapots dangerous?

Rust in teapots can be dangerous because it can contain harmful compounds that may leach into the tea, contaminating it. Ingesting these compounds can be harmful to health, causing toxicity or other adverse effects. It is important to avoid using rusty teapots to ensure food safety.

Is it dangerous to have rust in a teakettle?

Rust in a teakettle is a concern as it can contaminate water with iron oxide, which can be harmful if ingested in large amounts. It is recommended to avoid using a rusty teakettle to prevent health risks. It is safer to replace the teakettle or try to remove the rust if possible.

Why is it dangerous to drive a rusty car?

Surface rust isn't dangerous, cancerous rust on the frame can be dangerous because the car could snap in half depending on the extent of the rust. The best solution usually is just to get a new car because the frame usually isn't worth fixing. In my state they consider it dangerous because if you get stuck in snow they fear exhaust entering the cabin and killing its occupants. Rust holes of any kind will fail your inspection.

Why is rust dangerous on cars?

rust can dissolve the metal on ur car then ur car can fall apart and it will wreck your paint

Is rust bad for you?

Inhalation of rust particles can be harmful to your health, as it can cause irritation to the respiratory system and lungs. Additionally, rust can be a breeding ground for certain bacteria that may cause infections if you have cuts or wounds that come into contact with it. It is important to avoid prolonged exposure to rust and to take proper safety precautions when working with rusty materials.

Was the real Titanic taken out of the ocean?

No it is currently being eaten away by a harmful rust bacteria

Why is iron not used in aircraft?

it is known as a very dangerous substance and easy to rust

Is rust harmful to eat?

Yes, rust is harmful to eat as it can contain toxic compounds such as iron oxide and other impurities that may cause stomach irritation, poisoning, and other health issues if ingested. It is important to seek medical help if rust has been accidentally consumed.

How do you restore a rusty clothes flat iron?

If it's not very rusty you can try scrubbing it with some Barkeeper's Friend which will remove the rust. If the rust has eaten into the surface, you should get a new iron.

Does rust in a horse waterer harm the horse?

No rust in a horse's water does not harm the horses. Our horses have rusty water and they in perfect health.

Is rust dangerous or can cause damage?

Rust itself is not dangerous to humans, but it can cause damage to metal objects or structures over time by weakening them through corrosion. It is important to prevent rust from forming by using protective coatings or regularly maintaining metal surfaces.