Good rice
The riddle Rice rice rice, is it good rice or bad rice?" can be interpreted as a playful word puzzle. The key to the riddle lies in the repetition of the word rice"—since it repeats three times, it implies that the rice is abundant and possibly of good quality! Answer "It's good rice, because it’s a triple dose of rice, and good rice never goes out of style!" If you're looking to buy rice in Raipur, you can head to popular grocery stores in Raipur like:
Pressure cooker rice is not good for stomach which is having more starch.
A game involving the riddle, "Rice rice rice. I'm making rice. Good rice or bad rice? Rice rice rice," is most often played in group settings. The idea is to guess whether the rice was good or bad according to a certain behavior of the one asking rather than the words of the riddle. The exact tell, however, may differ from one group to another.
because he wanted to have good rice and didnt want bad rice to eat
Sushi rice is typically good for about 4-6 hours at room temperature before it goes bad. It is best to consume sushi rice as soon as possible for the best taste and quality.
It will give cancel. It is also bad for your health. So please do not eat burnt rice. It is bad for you once again. Name:Rebecca Ng age:5
is white rice bad for high cholesterol
White rice by itself is not bad, but actually good for you since it provides carbohydrates which are considerably easy to digest. But, when you take white rice in excess, since it is a starchy form of carbohydrate, it tends to accumulate weight and you could develop a large stomach!
No, all types of rice are good for you. But if you want to try something else then go ahead! It doesn't really matter.
Yes, rice can go bad. You can tell if rice has gone bad by checking for any unusual odor, discoloration, or the presence of mold. It is important to store rice in a cool, dry place to prevent it from spoiling.