Rest is actually better for you; if you rest for 8 hours a day instead of sleeping (like just lying in a dark, quiet place but not falling asleep), you will be much more rested.
No- the Zombie is a completely self sufficient life form, and therefore, requires no rest.
During sleep, the body grows and repairs itself. So without sufficient sleep, the body is more susceptible to sickness.
Eat a balanced diet, Get sufficient sleep and rest, Avoid alcoholic and carbonated drinks, Avoid tobacco and Avoid stress, pressure and extreme emotions...
to sleep and rest is translated 'dormir et se reposer' in French.
getting sufficient sleep
It is by Marc Fisher "Rest easy, sleep well my brothers. Know the line has held, your job is done. Rest easy, sleep well...."
Yes, a constant habit of sufficient sleep can affect both your health, your emotions, and your appearance. Sleep can soften and brighten your skin.
body. you sleep because you need to rest your muscles or because you have so little energy that your brain forces you into sleep to conserve what is left.
no you do not but when have it, it is useful to get rest.
Yes, butterflies do sleep. They rest with their wings closed either hanging upside down or tucked under leaves or branches. Their sleep is not like mammal sleep, but rather a period of rest to conserve energy for their active daytime behavior of feeding and mating.
They can not close there eyes, but at night they have a period of rest. Although the 'rest' is not equal to what we call sleep.