In many cases, radioactive materials can prove more effective than surgery. This only applies in cases where the mass or object of concern is not able to be operated on. There are some better alternatives than either radioactive treatment or surgery, but this would depend on the type of issue.
In addition, younger patients tend to do better with surgery and suffer fewer adverse effects from the surgery.
Some radioactive materials can emit a green glow under certain conditions due to the phenomenon called Cherenkov radiation, which occurs when charged particles travel through a medium faster than the speed of light in that medium. This is commonly seen in nuclear reactors with certain types of fuel rods. However, not all radioactive materials exhibit this green glow.
No, fossil fuels are not radioactive. Fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas are formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. Radioactive materials are not part of the formation process of fossil fuels.
thesynthetic surface is better than wood because it let the materials lasts than that of wood
Better quality and materials.
Radioactive materials have long half-lives, which means they remain hazardous for thousands of years. They can emit ionizing radiation that can penetrate barriers and pose risks to human health and the environment. Proper disposal methods need to be secure to prevent widespread contamination and exposure.
True. If fusion can be made to work in manmade equipment, for power production, (and this is not certain), there should be much less radioactive waste than for fission reactors. The product of the fusion, helium, is harmless. The engineering details of such a plant have not been established, but the energy produced will presumably be extracted from materials surrounding the reaction chamber which absorb the neutrons produced, so these materials will become irradiated and radioactive. Whether the structure will remain for the life of the plant or perhaps neutron absorbing materials have to be replenished from time to time is unknown, but obviously there will be some radioactive waste to be dealt with.
As, the technology development has been much better at present than past, the chances of death in cholecytitis surgery is very very low.
Some of the benefits of going through PRK eye surgery include improved vision. In some cases, better than 20/20 vision can be had!
A conventional stove is better, as it uses less wood burning materials.
Materials that transfer thermal energy by direct contact better than other materials are called conductors. Conductors have high thermal conductivity, allowing heat to flow through them easily. Metals like copper and aluminum are good examples of conductors.