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Q: Is quinine used to treat measles?
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Can quinine help Attention Disorder?

My understanding is that quinine is used to treat malaria...I've never heard of it being used to treat ADD or ADHD.

What is quinine used for?

It has been used to treat malaria (sometimes called "ague" in history), but isn't always effective for it nowadays. (The strains mutate and evolve quickly.)

Is quinine a stimulate a depressant or neither what is it?

Quinine is a drug used to treat malaria. It is neither a stimulant nor a depressant.

What naturally occurring chemical is commonly used to treat malaria infection in humans?


What is chichona bark?

Chichona bark comes from a South American plant similar to the plant that produces quinine and is a member of the same family. Like quinine, it has been used to treat malaria. Like quinine it has also been used to treat a variety of other diseases. Overdoses are dangerous. It has also been called Jesuits bark.

What drug can be found in tonic water?

Tonic water contains a small amount of quinine, which is a medication used to treat malaria. The amount of quinine in tonic water is typically low and is considered safe for consumption in moderate quantities.

What medicine is made from the cinchona tree?

Quinine is a medicine made from the bark of the cinchona tree. It is commonly used to treat malaria and has anti-malarial properties.

What is quinine water used for?

Tonic water containing quinine is used in gin and tonic drinks. Originally, this was for the anti-malarial qualities of quinine. In the United States, although quinine is a prescription drug, tonic water containing quinine is readily available in most grocery stores. This is often used as a remedy for nocturnal leg cramps. Caution should be used when consuming quinine in any form, however, since quinine can have severe side effects, should not be taken by people with certain conditions, and should not be taken with certain medications.

What are the uses of quinine?

Traditionally used to treat malaria, hence the origin of gin and tonic throughout the tropical British Empire. It is also an old standby for muscle cramps.

Is quinine a fruit or vegetable?

Quinine is neither a fruit nor a vegetable; it is a bitter compound extracted from the bark of the cinchona tree. It is commonly used to treat malaria and as a flavoring agent in tonic water.

What does MMR treat?

MMR does not treat disease. It is a vaccination given to prevent measles, mumps, and rubella.

How do you treat measles on the Oregon Trail?
