Breathing the strong chemicals used in perm solutions certainly isn't good for your lungs.
yes, as mayonaise is
Well, beaten eggs provide your hair with natural oils which are used in growing new hair.
I wouldent say they are better than cooked, but I heard raw eggs are good 4 ur hair
Yes because it has raw eggs in it so you could get sick.:)
vitamin e or raw eggs or lemon juice
They have a lot of bacteria in them which is bad for a baby.
no it kills your hairdon't here other people
Health officials advice not to eat raw cookie dough that contains raw eggs. However, a recipe that does not use eggs should be fine.
It may, I've never tried it. From what I have heard, raw egg can help reduce breakage and also make your hair silky smooth...especially if you mix it with a little olive oil.
I wish. I want to do it so bad :(
Because they are already cooked they would go bad quick