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Yes, there are many reasons why purposely passing out is dangerous. Passing out/fainting usually occurs when there is a lack of oxygenated blood flowing to your brain , hence why some people can make themselves pass out by holding their breath.

Lack of oxygen to the brain can and does cause brain damage - for example lack of oxygen to a baby during birth can cause cerebral palsy. Or when a person has a blood clot in their brain, which blocks blood flow thus resulting in a stroke. Clearly these examples are more extreme than would normally occur from holding your breath to make yourself pass out, however purposely passing out could still cause a small amount ofirreparabledamage.

Secondly, there is a risk that if you were holding your breath to make yourself pass out (which seems to be the most common method), there is a chance that you may not automatically begin breathing again when you have passed out. This would be a very dangerous situation,resuscitationwould be required and the level of brain damage sustained would be proportional to the length of time your brain remained un-oxygenated for.

Thirdly, there is a risk of sustaining an injury whilst passing out - e.g falling and hitting something.

There are alternative methods than holding your breath to make yourself pass out, however these methods carry an even greater risk of injury. Without being too specific, any method which involves getting someone to punch you in a particular place, or pressing onartery'sto inhibitblood-floware very dodgy practices.

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