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Pronunciate is a word used in England And Ireland (and some other English speaking countries) as part of everyday language in addition to pronounce and pronunciation.

it is much rarer in other English speaking Countries such as the United States or Canada.

it is important to remember that the English Language has been manipulated and adapted by adopters of the English Language over time.

for example. The U.S. spells "Colour" as Color, "recognise" as recognize

and "cheque" as check amongst many adaptations of English words, which the British and Irish would probably state were not correct words either in the context of their use, and that would be an incorrect statement. (for example the word "check" in Britain refers to the action to check something, "I have to check my voicemail")

Similarly, the U.S. have adapted words, just like, for example the Irish, to suit their general conversational language. For example, contracted words such as the word "y'all" refers to "you all" and is spoken generally by southern United State's citizens. The word "We'an" is used in both Scotland and the North of Ireland to mean "little one" or "wee one" "wee" in itself being adapted to mean "little". Both "y'all and "we'an" are not words by definition, yet are used extensively in their respective English speaking countries.

because a standardised (standardized) English dictionary may not have an entry for a word, it does not necessarily mean that word is not used in everyday language in an English speaking country. For that reason, reliance on one particular dictionary, is not advised when researching English words, but other dictionary's from other English Speaking Countries may also need to be researched.

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