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Q: Is petrol a drug
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What happens when alcohol is mixed with petrol?

how is this a drug interaction question?

Is alcohol and petrol are drug?

yes it destroys your brain cells

What drug classification is petrol?

Petroleum products are not classifed as drugs, although their fumes are known as inhalants.

Dennis Hopper as a drug runner?

In 'Easy Rider' I think Dennis Hopper's character had cocaine stashed in the petrol tank of his bike;

What is the noun for petrol?

Some collective nouns to use for petrol are a tank of petrol, a can of petrol, a container of petrol.

What are petrol cars?

petrol cars are cars with petrol in them lol

How petrol is left in petrol tank when light comes on?

enough petrol to get you to a petrol garage anywhere in the UK

Where do you get petrol?

at a petrol station

Is IPA miscible with petrol.?

IPA is miscible with petrol.

How do you refill petrol in Renault megane?

Go to petrol station. Get petrol. Wahoo!

What is an unleded petrol?

Unleaded petrol is petrol that has not been treated with a lead compound.

How does petrol get to the petrol station?

thats a tough one- maybe by a petrol truck.