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Peritonitis is an infection of the peritoneum. It requires prompt medical attention to fight any infection. It is not contagious but rather infectious.

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Q: Is peritonitis contagious
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What condition is caused by peritonitis?

Tuberculosis peritonitis causes ascites.

What condition is caused by tuberculosis peritonitis?

Tuberculosis peritonitis causes ascites.

What is the potential relationship between appendicitis and peritonitis?

You get peritonitis, once the appendix get burst.

Why is peritonitis acompanied by a great deal of pain?

Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum. The main manifestations of peritonitis are acute abdominal pain, abdominal tenderness, and abdominal guarding.

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Are bowel sounds present in peritonitis?

Unless there is bowel obstruction, along with the peritonitis, bowel sounds can still be present.

How does the thioglycollate model of peritonitis work?

The thioglycollate model of peritonitis is used to study the inflammatory response. A sterile solution containing thioglycollate is injected into the peritoneal cavity of an animal, causing a localized infection. This induces recruitment of immune cells, such as neutrophils and macrophages, to the site of infection, mimicking the inflammatory response seen in human peritonitis.

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How is Peritonitis treated?

Peritonitis from any cause is treated with antibiotics given through a needle in the vein, along with fluids to prevent dehydration

What term is an inflammation of peritoneum?

An infection of the peritoneum is called peritonitis. This infection is caused by a fungal or bacterial infection and can cause inflammation of the area.

Can peritonitis be fatal?

yes if not removed in time