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Yes. It is toxic even to a dog's nails. They make special dog nail polish if you wish to put some on your dog. If your dog eats it, or inhales it too long, you should take it to the doctor or hospital. :) Hope this helped.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Yes most likely if a dog swallows paint you need to go get its stomacher pumped, or have the vet give it the charcoal treatment

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Q: Is paint toxic to a dog?
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What will happen to a dog that ate paint?

Dog's eating paint is exzactly the same as us eating paint. The smell that it gives off is practically a WARNING to keep away and wash after using/touching it, eating it would be totally stupid. It is poisen to us, animals, anything. If a dog eats paint and you know they have take it to the vet straight away no matter who's dog it is because it is likely it will need to have injections, just the paint sucked out of it's stomach, witch means surgery.

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AnswerYou'll die a colorful death A: Most, if not all finger paints are non-toxic - that is if you buy it from a store. :) You probably don't have anything to worry about, but if you are concerned, make sure you read the label and verify that it says "non-toxic". A great solution for not knowing whether or not your finger paint is toxic, is to simply buy edible finger paint. That way, you're safe. You can't buy an edible finger paint that is toxic. It's against the law.

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Yes. Chocolate is toxic to dogs.

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If the paint was not designed for that use then it may be.