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Paints can consist of a lot of different substances. There are water/latex-based paints that pretty much has to be drunk by the cup to be "dangerous", then there are solvent based paints that contains benzene and other nasties, where prolonged exposure will lead to brain damage. Some paints contains chemicals designed to prevent mold, some yacht paints contains toxins to stop barnacles and seaweed from growing and these can certainly be dangerous as well. Some epoxy based paints will affect your breathing during/after extended exposure-that's certainly dangerous too. Paint is a dangerous good and is classified under Flammable Liquids. If you read most of the content written in most paint products, they would have a warning regarding the hazards of the product.

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Q: Is paint dangerous
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Not toxic, but it may be dangerous.

Is paint classed as dangerous goods?

Paint is a dangerous good and is classified under Flammable Liquids. If you read most of the content written in most paint products, they would have a warning regarding the hazards of the product.

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All paint is dangerous but only if sniffed because it becomes addictive.

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lead obvisoulsy but not to worry the stoped putiing lead in paint

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You can paint over lead paint. However, you do not want to sand or scrape the lead paint beforehand. This will create dust that you may breathe in and that is dangerous.

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Why should you have good ventilation when you paint?

You should have good ventilation when you paint because paint fumes can be dangerous. Inhaling paint fumes can lead to headaches, dizziness and even a loss of unconsciousness.

Are Latex paint fumes danger to baby?

Paint fumes are dangerous to anyone, but since 'latex' is a water-based paint, there is less likely to be dangerous fumes. Still, you should never paint with a baby in close proximity. Is it possible that my daughter who was 8 weeks pregnant and painting the house they were selling could have had inhaled the fumes of the paint resulting in a damaged foetus resulting in a spontaneous abortion.

Is spray paint toxic after drying?

Only if ingested. The chemical properties that make wet paint dangerous don't go away just because it dried.

What are some health dangers of using paint pens?

There are a few health dangers associated with using paint pens. Most paint is kept wet with solvents that are dangerous to human health. Paint pens concentrate this solvent, which increases its potency.